Friday, 22 May 2015

The gist.

So I've rewritten this blog several times and I change my mind on what to write every time. This past weekend has really been one of a kind, not always in the best way. I found out some things about myself I never knew, for example just how angry one persons stubbornness and childish ways can really get me (enough to start causing a scene in a restaurant, good thing it was all in Russian).
But I won't be writing about it here. I've vented to the people that are close to me, and I feel like it would be really out of line for me to write about another person, because who knows, maybe they were having a bad day. So we'll skip to the good stuff!

My dad came to visit me this weekend in Paris. I had such a good time being a private tour guide for my dad, showing him around the city and taking him to places he wouldn't have known without me. I made him try snails (which he then ended up ordering at almost every cafe we ended up in), he took more than 1000 pictures (he was such a tourist with the camera! Selfies everywhere), and we drank a lot... like A LOT of wine.

I started to ruin the selfies, because that's just what I do.

Did I mention there was a lot of drinking that weekend?

My fam jam was also away this weekend, so every time I'd come home from spending the day with my dad, I'd arrive to an empty house (except for Igloo the dog), which really creeps me out. Not many people know this about me but I am really afraid of the dark, and of being along in a big, old house. So I decided to invite my friend to come stay the night with me. Then turns out my friend from north of France had come down so I invited her over too. Then we figured why not invite our Parisian friend and show her what it is like to live it up in the country.

Let just say we got real deep with our conversations, and played one of the most hilarious games that is made for children.

Then we got into the conversation of sleeping-arrangements.
Turns out no one wanted to sleep with me.... because I am a creeper when I sleep.

Every time someone stays the night with me I warn them that I tend to talk in my sleep. Little did I know, I don't just talk in my sleep;
The first time Irina spent the night at my place I had woken her up because I was prompted up and staring blankly at her. She began to calmly explain to my sleeping self that she is here out of invitation and perhaps I have forgotten who this is. Turns out this was enough for my sleeping self that I turned around to lay down and began laughing hysterically. I know... I know... Creepy..
So this second night she spent the night, I jolted out of bed and began rearranging things in my sleep.
We concluded my little sleeping outbursts are due to the fact that I had been drinking both nights, and perhaps that was the cause of my restless sleeps. I asked my boyfriend about these episodes and he said he has never noticed anything like this.... but then again he sleeps through his alarm clock (which is so annoying considering I can usually sleep later than him, but I still wake up to the horrible sound). At least it is something weird and interesting I learned about myself...

This past week I also had to say goodbye to une nouvelle amie who I met here. It is saddening that I did not get to know her as much as I thought I would, and that she had to leave so suddenly. However, it does give me reason to finally visit 'murica! The last picnic we enjoyed as a full group:

You thought there would be people here? Yes.. well so did I... then I realized it wasn't me who took pictures of our faces, but I did take pictures of our food... priorities. 

However I do have this picture of us enjoying drinks after the picnic (not all of us are present though). 

The rest of the week I have spent a lovely time celebrating my host dad's birthday:

Taking long romantic walks with the dog:

It looks like he has no head... but I assure you he does. I just found it hilarious how he was rolling in the mud. I found it less hilarious when he ran up to me all wet... so I ran away... he thought I was playing tag... I wasn't.

I also have dirt in my socks because I was gardening with the girls just now. This is my first time gardening, I hope something grows. 

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