Thursday, 4 December 2014

Spending obscene amounts of money on dessert, and slumber parties.

This week I met up with a friend to visit Musée D’Orangerie. It is a museum of art (it seems many of them are in France). We saw some creepy art, some fabulous art, lots of naked people with deformities (specifically in the boobage), and some artisits that must have been on crack when painting. We also got in trouble by the art police for being too close to a painting. Oh and you’re not allowed pictures. I did enjoy it, even though I am not an art enthusiast. The museum is small enough to go through it in about an hour, and it isn’t too overwhelming on the art (as the Louvre is).

After exploring the museum we went to the Champs Elysée Christmas market to indulge on some grands donairs. While these donairs were tasty, I must say nothing can beat the Mr. Donair in Kingston, nothing.  

We then headed of to Angelina’s. It’s like the “Laduree” of hot chocolate. It’s a beautiful little café/ dessert place that is a must-visit in Paris (but a one time visit unless you have a big sweet tooth and/or are really rich). My friend and I ended up spending 16 euros EACH on our dessert and hot chocolate (white hot chocolate in my case). This is what we paid for:

It was heavinly I must admit, but it was incredibly sweet. Being more of a savory person, I could not finish my dessert and had to take 90% of it home.

Being two girls, in Paris, in a touristy café we, of course, took pictures. But we were nothing compared to the Asian guys next to us who kept on moving around in their table and posing with items on their table for their selfies and photos. So once their mirror selfies commenced, I thought it would be a good idea to bomb them.. to which they enjoyed it, and then we all started taking selfies in the mirror. Turns out these 3 guys were from Singapore, and were visiting Paris for 2 days. Yes… these people are some wealthy they can just buy a plain ticket to visit this romantic city for 2 days… and then go home… because why the hell not.

The weekend to come, my fam jam was away on vacation, and while my Italy trip for this weekend completely fell through, it was still very exciting (and relaxing). The weekend started off with late night drinking, pizza, chocolate cake, and movies at a friends place. The next day the same, just food was different, and it was at my place. So pretty much this weekend was all slumber parties and girl time. Can’t complain.

We did go out to explore a little nearby village called Morêt, We then had hot chocolate (being a non-chocolate adorer, I seem to have a lot of hot chocolate these days… Christmas must be close). Speaking of Christmas, I am home in 2.5 weeks!!! Yay! I am so excited! I really cannot wait!

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