Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Why do we mourn for people we do not know? I did not know Robin Williams personally. Therefore I believe I cannot mourn for the person, I can mourn for the death of his art.
Art of humour, art of laughter, art of smiles.
No matter how a person may portray themselves they could be feeling completely different on the inside. We should never forget that.
That comment you may choose to say about how much someone is "gay" or "ugly" or some other creative words one may think off, should be kept to yourself. If someone is that human who prefers to say some disgusting thought or do a vile action to someone or something should not be allowed to breed and should be taken out by evolution as soon as possible.

Celebrate life everyone. Stop caring about how people may perceive you, do things for yourself and the people that love you.

If anyone likes similar music to me you can check out my first mix I made on 8tracks. It has some of my favourite chill music

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