Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Body... what is your problem.

As it happens, once I move out I get sick. Being sick is the worst thing that can happen to me. I feel useless, and I hate being useless. I hate sleeping around, I hate not having enough energy to do my work or simple things around the house, I really just don't like being a couch potato.

But this weekend was pretty amazing, and totally worth this cold. On Friday my stepdad and I drove down to Toronto (the big city) and I got to spend some quality time with some amazing people.

First stop was my friend Ray. She is probably my most treasured friend. I have never met a person like her. She is truly an amazing person and an even better friend. We had a lovely time of sushi, movies, and a fantastic breakfast in the morning.
I left the next morning to see my dad, who happens to be leaving for England in less than a week. He let me practice on his standard car (very helpful as that is the car I'll be driving in France) and I must say I am getting pretty awesome at it. We mostly practiced on the hill, as this is where most standard drivers freak out. After saying goodbye to my dad I left him to travel back to downtown Toronto.

This area was much quieter than the area I was in on Friday. It was lovely! I stayed the night at my friends Sofie and Dave's place. They have a lovely little pooch, Scout. She was just the cutest.

I thought I was lost in Toronto (scary), also this was right after a hobo came up to me and mumbled something..

She looked much better than us in the morning. 

If people are that curious about my life you are welcome to follow me on Instagram, where I update as regularly as I can... sometimes even taking awkward selfies in public #letmetakeaselfie. 

P.S I am listening to the Game of Thrones audiobooks, best thing ever! The only good thing about being sick and having to lay in bed the entire time. 

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Un jour ou l'autre/ Христос Bоскрес

My goodness I am lazy. I haven't really been writing because there hasn't been much to say. This past Tuesday I moved back home. I will be here for almost 3 months. I must say it is exhausting, my little sister definitely keeps me busy, which helps in the procrastination department. However at times it can be so boring, I find myself continuously searching for things to do. I do have many things to do like work on my thesis.. Yes, yes, I've handed everything in but not really. I've handed in my final corrections to my professor so hopefully everything gets approved. Then I'd like to work on publication. Oh and don't forget the conference that I am going to in less than 2 weeks (which I am not ready for... I've got to redo my poster...)!

I must say my last couple of days in Kingston were pretty fantastic:

I had a "Last Year" party at my place that was creatively named: 
Before that we went to the campus pub... which wasn't a good idea for me

Then later the next day I went herping (from the word herpetology - the study of amphibians and reptiles, but yes yes, we can laugh at how it sounds like I went looking for herpes). We found wood frogs, many salamanders, peepers and I finally got to hear the first frog chorus of the year! Fantastic feeling. 

Home isn't that bad though. There is so much nature where I live.. given I live in the middle of no-where in a forest. I caught a leopard female frog today (Lithobates pipiens), saw a ribbon snake (Thamnophis sauritus) which is really cool because they are quite rare, and, lastly, I got spooked by a Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus).

I visited our horses today. This is the new addition to the family, a cute little foal. He really likes to jump on you (like a dog) which is terrifying because it looks like he will hit you right in the face with his hoofs. 

This was my lovely easter breakfast. So perfect, so peaceful. 

Well happy easter everyone! Now that I am not doing much I'll probably be writing more, but then again what will I be writing about if I have nothing to do... #firstworldproblems

Thursday, 10 April 2014


So many things happening!

Lets begin with the most exciting news: I AM MOVING TO FRANCE!
Not for a long time, just for 10-11ish months. I will be learning the language and will hopefully become very fluent in the language quickly. I want to blend in with the crowd, rather than stand out like a tourist.

Now I just have a couple of changes to make on it, submit it one last time, and then hopefully get it published somewhere. I also have the conference in the beginning of May. Which reminds me I better get working on my poster.

Thirdly: I am moving out in less than a week! Next Tuesday to be specific. Back home. Which is somewhat exciting. Meh. I guess it'll be nice to change things up a bit.

Fourth: This:

Our security guard social was this weekend! It was so fancy shmancy, with food, wine, and much later into the night, a keg. 
Lovely time! 

Lastly: My Society for Conservation social was last night. I made a huge oven roast, it was delicious. 
And this Friday I am having a party at my place to say goodbye to the people that are left over in Kingston. It'll probably be sloppy. 

Once I am hope I'll definitely be able to blog more! Promise..