Friday, 20 December 2013

A winter wonderland.

No matter how cold or snowy it is, I love going outside. This weekend was one of my favourites so far in Edmonton. We didn't do anything extravagant but it was so much fun.
First we went for a walk in a near-by park and this happened:

I got really close to this chickadee to take these pictures, but then there was a lot of standing like this:


To say the least I was very excited that the chickadee finally landed in my hand. It was a pretty wonderful moment. 

Then there was a day of skating. Can't say I enjoyed it THAT much. This is because I'm not the strongest skater so the whole time I was just terrified of falling down. Still it was a nice day to spend an evening. 

My boyfriend is clearly more fabulous than I am. 

Today we leave to Calgary to see friends as well as go skiing! I am very excited. I love skiing. I am much better at skiing than I am at skating. 

Monday, 9 December 2013

Why?? Why did this have to happen???

So I am not sure whether it is the large change in temperature that my body was just not able to get accustomed to, or the soccer game I played yesterday (stupid exercise!); but I have managed to get sick.
And this isn't the winter sniffles with occasional coughing. No. My body hurts, my joints ache and every time I cough I think my rib cage is going to break. To add, I also have an ongoing headache.

But still I avoid taking tylenol and ibuprofen with any sort of fancy name (i.e advil). I have tried to stick it out with garlic tablets, vitamin C and tea. Yes, yes, this is probably stupid of me, but I just really want to avoid taking pills for now.

This is also a very inconvenient time to get sick. Not only am I on a "vacation"/ holiday getaway as I like to think of it, in Alberta; but I am also supposed to go skiing in the mountains this weekend.

Stupid cold! I don't even know why!!! I have been so good with bundling up, and wearing several pairs of tights under my pants etc.

Well at least I have my playstation here and I borrowed a bagillion games from my boyfriends friend. First up Last of Us, or perhaps Uncharted 2. Hmm so many choices!!

Hopefully things will get better soon.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Patience is a virtue

If anyone out there would like to be a researcher, the thing you should know: there is no place to be shy. You must always be prepared to talk with you co-researchers, interested colleagues, supervisor, potential networks and of course the public. Just 2 weeks ago I had to present my research, so far, to a class of fellow undergraduate students, graduate students, committee members and supervisor (who actually wasn't able to show). I practiced the ENTIRE week; this is no exaggeration people. I was in a room with a projector every single day that week, including the Friday of my presentation day, just practising. I harassed my friends and lab members to come and listen to me several times to make sure my presentation was perfect. In the end I think it went really well! I was happy with the final presentation and I nailed the question period.

After the seminar I was fini for the year. I had a week to sit and wait until I get to go on a plane and visit my boyfriend for 3 weeks in Alberta, Canada. Now I did do work for that week, research never rests. I also had several performances to part take in:

Ballerina living her dream, doing a piece from the Nutcracker

Singing my heart out. If you'd like to check out my rendition of "Forget you" by CeeLo you can on mu YouTube channel (I hope to post one that is better quality soon!):

After a 5 hour wait in the airport, a 30 minute delay and a 4 hour flight, I finally landed in Alberta. Let me just say it is FREEZING. I went from -2/0 to -24 degree Celsius!

I just spent the entire day alone (my boyfriend works 8-5), so it gets pretty boring. But I am sure I will have some adventures to share soon. 

Oh also because I now have no more frog photos here a picture of me using the "Frog" effect, see what I did there. 

Happy Holidays!

Monday, 4 November 2013

Winter is coming and so are deadlines.

It is hard to believe fall is upon us. Time has gone by so fast since we were in our short shorts and bathing suits travelling in that pick up truck to the beach. Not to mention IT IS FREEZING! Like in the negatives... already. Daylight savings times was just this past Saturday, come on mother nature!

In other news I've been dealing with so many things: friends problems, boyfriend problems, even friends of friends problems (I have no idea why I got dragged into that... awkward). Don't forget about school. Although I feel like I have the best handle on school than anything else. I've finished most of my writing projects way ahead of time. I just have to start planning out my seminar presentation for my thesis. I love presenting, so hopefully nerves won't be my biggest problem.

Masters applications are still going(ish). I've talked to my supervisor about doing research with him. News was mediocre: He wants me; he may not have money to take me. Great, thanks. I've also started looking into jobs in my field I may be able to take as a back up plan in case something falls through with Masters. Still the future scares me, but at the same time it is so interesting to explore the unknown.

This past week(end) was Halloween. I was able to enjoy the day on Thursday, and got to work the rest of the weekend. I did not regret this one bit. Working was fun AND I got no hangover in the morning.

Please tell me people understand that I am a mermaid. Some guy asked if I was Jasmine... *facepalm*

Then this Sunday my friends and I went to a prison museum which was very eery but still so 
fascinating. The stories were very interesting, definitely an experience I am glad I had. 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


This month my school hosted "Homecoming". An event where alumni return and pretty much party. Although I worked both weekends, I wasn't working the entire weekend so I got to see everyone in the evenings. It was amazing feeling to see everyone and hang out like old times. Only thing that did not make this weekend, was that my boyfriend was not here, but I don't dwell on the bad stuff.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Literature Review, how I hate thee

Having been doing too much over the past couple weeks. I have my proposal due in about 2 weeks and the Literature review is killing me. It is taking so long to read very similar projects over and over again.

At least this weekend will be a good stress reliever, with so many of my friends coming down. And then next week I get to turn the big 22. I don't want to grow up. Growing up includes responsibilities, papers and of course adulthood. Also I have just realized I am involved in way too many things: dodgeball, volleyball, 4 different clubs, one of which I am on a committee and one which is still pending. Insane! I also realized I really must save money.

I was hoping to take a trip to Europe this coming summer, but it looks like that won't be happening. I thought it over and I think I would rather not blow all my savings on 2 months of travelling and then end up broke. Instead I am thinking I'll save up and go to Europe later (perhaps after Masters).

Speaking of Masters I have undergone interviews. None of which really intrigue me... I think I may just speak with my supervisor now and end up staying here. As much as I wanted to move away, I feel like staying is the best choice for me: Its research I want to do and with a very prestigious supervisor.

Here is a beautiful picture of my beautiful travels in Banff, Alberta. Such an amazing time. I wish I could go back. I miss my boyfriend, the nature and I really want this constant feeling of loneliness to just stop.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

First Day of Classes

School has started for mostly everybody.

As most of my classes are online and I only have thesis "in class" class, I have no class until Friday.
How can do I keep myself busy?

Well interesting question. I will be using this 5th year to its full potential.

I am working (actual paying job)
I am working on school work (I have tons of time to do that so NO EXCUSES when it comes to deadlines!)
I will be joining many dance classes
Joining club(s)
Still continuing my membership in my Acapella group
And many gym visits

Luckily I have a couple of my close friends that stuck around the city/school so I don't get to feel so lonely.

Also my lab is awesome (which is where I spend most of my time), so I get to interact with lovely people every day.

Its different being on campus without everybody that I know. There are unfamiliar faces everywhere. Sometimes I get nostalgic, thinking of all the people I miss..

I am sure it'll just take some time to adapt to these circumstances.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Journey over the land.

I have taken a four hour plane across the country to hopefully begin some sort of future. But oh dear... so much work! And it feels like there is so little time!

Pictures of the adventure hopefully to come soon. So far only seeing old friends from school.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Last Day

Today is my last day of work (Yay!). It isn't even a full day too. And I wasn't in Monday or Tuesday. I really do not have much more to do so I am just sending out Master's applications still trying to set up appointments. It is pretty nerve racking, what if nothing happens? What is no one wants me? Lets hope that is not the case. I am excited for tomorrow to commence and I can start my "vacation" time.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Back to Lab

I've been back in lab for these past few weeks so there really hasn't been much to write about. I've been listening to lots of frog calls which is not so much fun (Thanks to the high frequency of spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) it results in given me huge headaches at the end of the day). Hopefully I'll be able to get out into the field a couple of times this week. Also work will end for me soon! And I get to fly off to see my engineer boyfriend. Exciting!! Cannot wait! I wish the time would go by faster.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Off to see the city lights

Well not really a city, and there wont be very many lights.

Me and three other of my friends from my field station are heading to the closest town for dinner to celebrate/ say goodbye due to me leaving on Saturday.
Later tonight we shall be having a bonfire which is lovely.

Frog wise:

Lets see. I have been finding some toads (Bufo americanus) in the woods on the trails I take to get to some of my sampling sites! They are quite adorable. Although the very first one I picked up tried to poison me (they have glands on their backs which secrete poison to evade predators).

I definitely do not want to leave this place. This is cottage life, but with lots of frogs! I could not ask for anything better.

But soon I will be back in lab and having to do lots of writing and researching. Doesn't sound as fun as frolicking in the woods looking for frogs but I must do it.

P.S I apologize for my previous post. I am still freaking out just on the inside. I still haven't solved the conflict.... :(

Monday, 22 July 2013


I did something bad. And I can't undo it. Data can be at stake. Holy crap! I am terrified of what to tell my supervisor. I screwed up badly and I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!


Monday, 15 July 2013

Sad day at the office.

We've had people leave the station before. But this time it was worse. This time it was really sad. This time I cried. This time we all cried. It was like saying goodbye to a brother or sister. It was saying goodbye to a friend.

Working at the field station in such close courters with so few people you really start to create bonds and friendships. You laugh together and share horror stories of that days field work. And when those people leave, when you see that big green van that we named "Bessie" drive down the long and winding gravel road, you know this time you won't see it return.

We may then be miles apart, countries apart, but we will always remember what we went through and will always remember the fun we had.

Sunday, 7 July 2013


I was supposed to finish my field season yesterday. But luckily for me I get to extend it for another 3 more weeks!

This is so fantastic for me!

There are so many things going on right now. So many of the frogs are finishing up metamorphosis and leaving the ponds. These frogs include Spring Peepers (Hyla crucifer), Wood Frogs (Rana sylvatica) and Leopard frogs (Rana pipins). They are so adorable!!

Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans)

Wood frog (Rana sylvatica)

Spring Peeper (Hyla crucifer)

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Just Keep Swimming

So... A couple of days ago I had to check on one of my field sites. I did not know exactly where it was so my professor had to come with me. He mentioned that to get to the site with the equipment I would have to wade through water that was up to my chest. He was very VERY wrong, the water was WAY above my chest. And I was quite scared to go further into the water because drowning in waders isn't very fun. So I had only one choice... swim across... yes SWIM with all of my clothes on and everything holding my equipment in one hand (god forbid it gets wet!). Anything for research. When walking back my professor asked me if I still enjoy working for him. Of course I do! I love this work, I love what I do, I love what I research. I would never change what I do for a boring office job or working behind a food counter. Yes I have bad days where I have to work in pouring rain, or I end up falling into marshes, things get stressful and there are some days where I just work for so long I get exhausted by the end. BUT never would I want to trade this. This really shows me that I want to do this for a long time. A life in research is the life for me.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Back to work [in the rain].

Got back a couple of days ago and got right back to work.
Had to modify my experiment a little, which is always lots of fun... But you at least it is flowing much better now, and my days are somewhat shortened.

It has been raining for the past couple days which makes sample collection a cold and wet. Unlike the bird people, I still must go out on rainy days because frogs aren't necessarily bothered by rain. And the tadpoles are so adorable!! They are developing from their tiny head-blobs to head-blobs with feet!

I am exhausted but soon comes a day off... kind of.. but still, soon!

Looking more like a frog!

Lots of samples!

Friday, 31 May 2013

3 Weeks in and Goodbye Froggies

Well not really goodbye, I’ll be back to froggy business on Monday. Instead I am taking a break and going on a road trip to Edmonton, Alberta. So far we’ve been on the road for a day, stayed in a motel for the night and back on the road again. The sights are beautiful! We’re avoiding driving at night due to the abundant numbers of moose that like to venture onto the road. The ride has been quite uneventful to the common bystander, but for me I am having tons of fun. Listening to music, writing, talking. I love road trips. Ontario is huge, but beautiful. We hope to hit Manitoba tomorrow.

We stopped at Iron Bridge for the night and I heard Spring Peepers!!  I haven’t heard them for a week now in at my field station. It was so lovely to hear them again.

P.S. I love looking at the name of some of these cities, one we stopped in was Wawa… The things I find amusing. 

Data, where art thou?

I started my research May 1st. That’s a problem. Like I mentioned before I work with frogs, female frogs to be exact. Well most frogs start breeding in April (in Ontario), which leaves me with only 2 out of 8 species to work with: the American bullfrog and the Green Frog (Grey tree frogs bred early this year). So my project has been extended to also study the tadpole. Tadpoles are much easier to catch, contain and study than females, you just use a big strainer. Fingers crossed that everything will work out!
I spend most of my days searching for my tadpoles in different marshes and my nights walking transects looking for females, so my entire day is frog-filled. 


One of the first questions people ask me is “why are you in biology?” Almost always followed with “you want to go to med school, right?” Contrary to what my parents would like I have no will to go into medicine. It never interested me. Biology interests me: conservation, evolution, natural and sexual selection, phenotype, the list goes on and on…. FASCINATING!
So I have started a blog that will share my every adventure of doing a thesis project in my fifth year of University. Sharing everything I learn, the struggles I will [definitely] go through, and the finished result. The reason why I have named this blog “The Frogger” is because I study frogs for my research and figured it suited quite well.
Also I have started this 3 weeks into my project so I’ll have to do a quick fill in.


Biologists, Herpetologist, devoted Frogger. 

P.S. Some posts may be different days but will be up at the same time due to bad internet connection.